When kids
enjoy what they do,
learning follows

Stem & Robotic Workshops

We inspire children to learn, develop and understand Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics through guidance and mentoring.

Children are engaged in a system that places challenging but achievable goals which are presented in a way that they want to learn and enjoy doing so. We call this ‘Edutainment’

A workshop near you

Workshops are designed for students ability and age. Children will start with engineering principles and move towards robotics as their skills grow.

Condell Park PS


Monday After School 



Holiday Workshop



Holiday Workshop

Creative kids voucher

Junior EduTainment is a registered provider for Creative Kids. Claim the $50 per child Creative Kids Voucher today and to submit your vouchers you need to sign in or register with Junior EduTainment.


Yes, Junior EduTainment is a registered provider for Creative Kids.

Claim the $50 per child Creative Kids Voucher today and to submit your vouchers you need to sign in or register with Junior EduTainment.

We deliver Edutainment to kids through engaging, challenging and most of all, fun workshops. Our Workshops are based around LEGO and other quality equipment which we use as the vehicle for our journey and the hook for our engagement. If kids enjoy they do and if they do they learn.

Our School Incursions can be curriculum aligned workshops with a difference. Kids look at the workshops more as a reward than a chore. Programs can be suited to fit different requirements or budgets. From pre stage one to stage three. While the focus is on STEM we find that outcomes include a whole range of associated skills ranging from fine motor skills to problem solving and project management.

Speak to your Principal or STEM Teacher to see about bringing Junior Edutainment to your school – If you’re a Principal or STEM Teacher contact us here.

Yes, After School Workshops tilt slightly more towards the entertainment part of edutainment as a way of capping of the school day. Kids can be of differing ages and the models and tasks are scaled toward the kids abilities and interests. Don’t worry we sneak in some of the education side when they are too busy having fun to notice. Get your school to contact us or let us know your interest and who we should speak to at your school to get something organised. 

Yes, Holiday Workshops are generally full day workshops where we deliver our Edutainment workshops over a whole day. Kids will make models, be challenged, discover some amazing things and a few have even been known to make some new friends – All while having fun.

Andrew has been working in education for over ten years. As a vocational trainer, Director of Studies, Compliance manager and more recently owner / operator of a successful STEM Franchise in South Western Sydney. He has now started a new venture that is not limited by franchise requirements and can customise training to specific needs and interests. Junior Edutainment is exactly that – A cross between Education and Entertainment for kids. Andrew believes that kids learn best when they are guided, Engaged and Challenged. These learning components are exponentially more effective when kids enjoy what they are doing and having fun. When combined, kids don’t just learn they understand and when you understand something then you have it for life.

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